Install Gaiad Manager

Gaiad manager (gm) is a command-line tool (CLI) that helps manage local gaiad networks.

Follow the instructions below to install and configure gm.


  • Bourne shell (sh)
  • sconfig and stoml installed in your PATH (put them in /usr/local/bin)
  • sed, tr
  • For shell-completion Bourne Again Shell (bash) for the local user

How to run

  1. Install the dependencies.

    On macOS:

    # You might need sudo permissions and create the `usr/local/bin` directory
    curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/sconfig
    curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/stoml
    chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/sconfig
    chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/stoml

    On Linux:

    curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/sconfig
    curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/stoml
    chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/sconfig
    chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/stoml
  2. Install gm

    git clone
    gm/bin/gm install

    Alternatively, you can create the folder $HOME/.gm/bin and copy the files from gm/bin in there.

  3. Activate gm

NOTE: The shell-support script allows bash-completion as well as creating a gm alias, so you don't need to add more entries to your PATH environment variable. You can optionally enable bash-completion with gm by doing the following:

  • Add source $HOME/.gm/bin/shell-support to a file that executes when a new terminal window comes up ($HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.zprofile)
  • You may need to install bash-completion if adding shell-support raises a command not found: complete error message. You can do so by executing brew install bash-completion on macOS, or apt install bash-completion || yum install bash-completion on Linux.
  • If you don't want to use this, you can always just add $HOME/.gm/bin to your path.
  • Restart your terminal

The configuration: gm.toml

Where: $HOME/.gm/gm.toml.

Description: This file contains all the high-level node configuration that gm is aware of. Note that all entries under [global] are also valid entries under any [node] header, and can be used to override the global entries for specific nodes/validators.

Entries: All entries are defined and documented in the gm.toml example configuration file.

Copy and paste below to $HOME/.gm/gm.toml and set Hermes' binary path according to your setup.

The following configuration you need to specify 2 gaiad chains. hermes will know about these chains.

  add_to_hermes = false
  auto_maintain_config = true
  extra_wallets = 2
  gaiad_binary = "~/go/bin/gaiad"
  hdpath = ""
  home_dir = "$HOME/.gm"
  ports_start_at = 27000
  validator_mnemonic = ""
  wallet_mnemonic = ""

    binary = "PATH-TO-HERMES-BINARY" #change this path according to your setup
    config = "$HOME/.hermes/config.toml"
    log_level = "info"
    telemetry_enabled = true
    telemetry_host = ""
    telemetry_port = 3001

  ports_start_at = 27010

  ports_start_at = 27020

  add_to_hermes = true
  network = "ibc-0"
  ports_start_at = 27030

  add_to_hermes = true
  network = "ibc-1"
  ports_start_at = 27040

NOTE: Go to this page for more details about Gaiad Manager

Next steps

Now that Gaiad Manager is installed on your machine, visit the first tutorial to learn the basics of Hermes. You will start two local chains and exchange tokens over IBC transfers.