Adding Keys to Hermes

WARNING: Currently Hermes does NOT support a keyring store to securely store the private key file. The key file will be stored on the local file system in the folder set by the configuration key_store_folder which defaults to key_store_folder = '$HOME/.hermes/keys'.

BREAKING: As of Hermes v1.0.0, the sub-command keys restore has been removed. Please use the sub-command keys add in order to restore a key.

Using the keys command you can add and list keys.

Show usage

To see the available sub-commands for the keys command run:

hermes help keys

The available sub-commands are the following:

Manage keys in the relayer for each chain

    hermes keys <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help    Print help information

    add        Add a key to a chain from its keyring file or restore a key using its mnemonic
    balance    Query balance for a key from a configured chain. If no key is given, the key is
                   retrieved from the configuration file
    delete     Delete key(s) from a configured chain
    help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    list       List keys configured for a chain

Key Seed file (Private Key)

In order to execute the command below you need a private key file (JSON). Hermes uses the private key file to sign the transactions submitted to the chain.

The private key file can be obtained by using the keys add on a Cosmos chain. For example, the command for gaiad is:

# The `key_name` parameter is the name of the key that will be found in the json output
# For example, in the "Two Local Chains" tutorial, we use "testkey".
gaiad keys add <key_name> --output json

The command outputs a JSON similar to the one below.

  "name": "testkey",
  "type": "local",
  "address": "cosmos1tc3vcuxyyac0dmayf887t95tdg7qpyql48w7gj",
  "pubkey": "cosmospub1addwnpepqgg7ng4ycm60pdxfzdfh4hjvkwcr3da59mr8k883vsstx60ruv7kur4525u",
  "mnemonic": "[24 words mnemonic]"

You can save this to a file (e.g. key_seed.json) and use it to add to Hermes with hermes keys add --chain <CHAIN_ID> --key-file key_seed.json . See the Adding Keys section for more details.

Adding and restoring Keys

The command keys add has two exclusive flags, --key-file and --mnemonic-file which are respectively used to add and restore a key.
If a key with the same key_name already exists, the flag --overwrite must be passed in order to overwrite the existing key or else the command will abort.

Add a key to a chain from its keyring file or restore a key using its mnemonic

    Add a key from a Comet keyring file:
        hermes keys add [OPTIONS] --chain <CHAIN_ID> --key-file <KEY_FILE>
    Add a key from a file containing its mnemonic:
        hermes keys add [OPTIONS] --chain <CHAIN_ID> --mnemonic-file <MNEMONIC_FILE>
    On *nix platforms, both flags also accept `/dev/stdin` as a value, which will read the key or the mnemonic from stdin.

    -h, --help                   Print help information
        --hd-path <HD_PATH>      Derivation path for this key [default: m/44'/118'/0'/0/0]
        --key-name <KEY_NAME>    Name of the key (defaults to the `key_name` defined in the config)
        --overwrite              Overwrite the key if there is already one with the same key name

        --chain <CHAIN_ID>
            Identifier of the chain

        --key-file <KEY_FILE>
            Path to the key file, or /dev/stdin to read the content from stdin

        --mnemonic-file <MNEMONIC_FILE>
            Path to file containing the mnemonic to restore the key from, or /dev/stdin to read the
            mnemonic from stdin

Add a private key to a chain from a key file

hermes keys add --chain <CHAIN_ID> --key-file <PRIVATE_KEY_FILE>

The content of the file key should have the same format as the output of the gaiad keys add command:

  "name": "testkey",
  "type": "local",
  "address": "cosmos1tc3vcuxyyac0dmayf887t95tdg7qpyql48w7gj",
  "pubkey": "cosmospub1addwnpepqgg7ng4ycm60pdxfzdfh4hjvkwcr3da59mr8k883vsstx60ruv7kur4525u",
  "mnemonic": "[24 words mnemonic]"

If the command is successful a message similar to the one below will be displayed:

Success: Added key testkey (<ADDRESS>) on <CHAIN_ID> chain

Key name: By default, the key will be named after the key_name property specified in the configuration file. To use a different key name, specify the --key-name option when invoking keys add.

hermes keys add --key-name [KEY_NAME] --chain <CHAIN_ID> --key-file <PRIVATE_KEY_FILE>

Restore a private key to a chain from a mnemonic

hermes keys add --chain <CHAIN_ID> --mnemonic-file <MNEMONIC_FILE>

or using an explicit derivation path, for example an Ethereum coin type (used for Evmos, Injective, Umee, Cronos, and possibly other networks):

hermes keys add --hd-path "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0" --chain <CHAIN_ID> --mnemonic-file <MNEMONIC_FILE>

The mnemonic file needs to have the 24 mnemonic words on the same line, separated by a white space. So the content should have the following format:

word1 word2 word3 ... word24

If the command is successful a message similar to the one below will be displayed:

Success: Restore key testkey (<ADDRESS>) on <CHAIN_ID> chain

Key name: By default, the key will be named after the key_name property specified in the configuration file. To use a different key name, specify the --key-name option when invoking keys add.

hermes keys add --key-name <KEY_NAME> --chain <CHAIN_ID> --mnemonic-file <MNEMONIC_FILE>

Delete keys

In order to delete the private keys added to chains use the keys delete command

Delete key(s) from a configured chain

    hermes keys delete --chain <CHAIN_ID> --key-name <KEY_NAME>

    hermes keys delete --chain <CHAIN_ID> --all

    -h, --help    Print help information

        --all                    Delete all keys
        --chain <CHAIN_ID>       Identifier of the chain
        --key-name <KEY_NAME>    Name of the key

Delete private keys that was previously added to a chain

To delete a single private key by name:

hermes keys delete --chain <CHAIN_ID> --key-name <KEY_NAME>

Alternatively, to delete all private keys added to a chain:

hermes --config config.toml keys delete --chain <CHAIN_ID> --all

List keys

In order to list the private keys added to chains use the keys list command

List keys configured for a chain

    hermes keys list --chain <CHAIN_ID>

    -h, --help    Print help information

        --chain <CHAIN_ID>    Identifier of the chain

Listing the private key that was added to a chain

To list the private key file that was added to a chain:

hermes keys list --chain <CHAIN_ID>

If the command is successful a message similar to the one below will be displayed:

- user2 (cosmos1attn9fxrcvjz483w3tu4cfz77ldmlyujly3q3k)
- testkey (cosmos1dw88vdekeeuta5u50p6n5lt5v5c6y2we0pu8nz)


hermes  --json keys list --chain <CHAIN_ID>
 | jq

If the command is successful a message similar to the one below will be displayed:

  "result": {
    "testkey": {
      "account": "cosmos1dw88vdekeeuta5u50p6n5lt5v5c6y2we0pu8nz",
      "address": [ 107, 142, 118, 55, 54, 206, 120, 190, 211, 148, 120, 117, 58, 125, 116, 101, 49, 162, 41, 217 ],
      "coin_type": 118,
      "private_key": "(snip)",
      "public_key": "xpub6Gc7ZUt2q1BiQYjhUextPv5bZLwosHigZYqEquPD6FkAGmHDrLiBgE5Xnh8XGZp79rAXtZn1Dt3DNQHxxgCgVQqfRMfVsRiXn6mwULBnYq7"
    "user2": {
      "account": "cosmos1attn9fxrcvjz483w3tu4cfz77ldmlyujly3q3k",
      "address": [ 234, 215, 50, 164, 195, 195, 36, 42, 158, 46, 138, 249, 92, 36, 94, 247, 219, 191, 147, 146 ],
      "coin_type": 118,
      "private_key": "(snip)",
      "public_key": "xpub6FmDbeGTWVjSvHrqHfrpnMTZxpPX1V7XFiq5nMuvgwX9jumt1yUuwNAUQo8Nn36unbFShg6iSjkfMBgeY49wik7rF91N2SHvarpX62ByWMf"
  "status": "success"

Query balance

In order to retrieve the balance of an account associated with a key use the keys balance command

Query balance for a key from a configured chain. If no key is given, the key is retrieved from the
configuration file

    hermes keys balance [OPTIONS] --chain <CHAIN_ID>

        --all                    (optional) query the balance for all denom. This flag overwrites
                                 the `--denom` flag (defaults to false)
        --denom <DENOM>          (optional) query the balance for the given denom (defaults to the
                                 `denom` defined in the config for the gas price)
    -h, --help                   Print help information
        --key-name <KEY_NAME>    (optional) name of the key (defaults to the `key_name` defined in
                                 the config)

        --chain <CHAIN_ID>    Identifier of the chain

If the command is successful a message with the following format will be displayed:

Success: balance for key `KEY_NAME`: 100000000000 stake


hermes  --json keys balance --chain <CHAIN_ID>

If the command is successful a message with the following format will be displayed:

  "result": {
    "amount": "99989207",
    "denom": "stake"
  "status": "success"