These are some definitions used in this guide:
Term | Definition |
IBC transaction | A transaction that includes IBC messages (including packets). This is constructed by the relayer and sent over the physical network to a chain according to the chain rules. For example, for tendermint chains a broadcast_tx_commit request is sent to a tendermint RPC server. |
IBC message | An element of the transaction payload sent by the relayer; it includes client, connection, channel and IBC packet data. Multiple IBC messages may be included in an IBC transaction. |
IBC packet | A particular type of IBC message that includes the application packet and its commitment proof. |
IBC Client | Client code running on chain, typically only the light client verification related functionality. |
Relayer Light Client | Full light client functionality, including connecting to at least one provider (full node), storing and verifying headers, etc. |
Source chain | The chain from which the relayer reads data to fill an IBC message. |
Destination chain | The chain where the relayer submits transactions that include the IBC message. |